Los Angeles Offset Printing

Pantone colors or CMYK

Letterpress Gallery

The Staff

Let’s Make a Deal foil printed envelopes

Pressman enjoyed the honor of making beautiful foil stamped envelopes in Silver, Gold, and Copper for the TV game show, ‘Let’s Make a Deal’.  Mac one of our foil stamping printers did a fabulous job foiling those envelopes.  Pressman has considerable experience with metallic pantone inks.    

Rebecca Taylor and Drake

Rebecca Taylor candle tags and Drake envelopes for his VIP seats at his concert were on the plate this week. I LOVE Rebecca Taylor, one of my favorite dresses is by her and I’m always watching her line to see any more soon to be loves coming my way.  

Dancing with the Stars, Keith Code and The Plaza

Dancing with the Stars got ahold of us to make a special cover for their 300th episode. I can hardly believe its been 300 episodes and still going strong. We love, love, love dancing. Keith Code the Super Bike school founder and bike instructor got some postcards done. The Plaza’s Chavi Hertz also trusts her…